Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Editing Flaws of Dirty Sexy Money

I like Dirty Sexy Money. But the editors of the show are not doing a swell job. Pay even the slightest attention to Karen Darling's hairdo and you will know what I mean.

The first error I noticed was that scene where Nick George and his wife were about to board the Darlings' private jet (season 1). When the camera's in front of them, they are holding hands as they face Karen and her fiance; when it's behind them, the long shot shows they are standing apart. Looks like somebody forgot what was on the script, hahaha. The next one I found is on the second episode of season 2, where Karen's hairdo went back to the style she had on the previous season. It was easy to pinpoint because she now has bangs. Gross mistake on taping plans, tsk tsk. The third one was when Karen and Simon Elder were talking intimately and her hair was hanging in front of her shoulders in one shot then arranged neatly on her back in another shot. Need I remind the producers that little details can also have a big impact?

I think the editors keep on breaking the 180-degree rule too - sometimes I don't know who's on the left side of whoever. It's either that or the blocking's amiss. Or, or, they simply suck at establishing shots. Who would have thought?! If I were not enjoying the show, I'll probably catch a lot more of these editing oversights. But since Jeremy Darling is quite the charmer, I'm willing to let everything go. Why? Because I would love to be his girl! <3

Friday, July 17, 2009


I wanna ask you guys something. Can somebody semi-like another person? Wala lang...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WTF Moment with ze Bozz

Yesterday I was completely aghast when, while straining my eyes to analyze a database of 14,000 attendees, our boss stood beside me and said, "Bawal dapat ang personal surfing, ginagaya ka nila eh" ("You shouldn't do personal surfing; the other employees are following your lead") in a demeaning way that all I could do was tell him I'm doing the stats requested by my OIC and then present to him the updated program I'm making for an event. Boy oh boy. Good thing I didn't lose my cool. Why? Because I wasn't doing anything wrong. It was actually the person whose workstation is perpendicular to me and who happens to be the brother of his lover that was playing Farm Town on Facebook who had committed a transgression. Gawd, I don't even give a horse's ass on Facebook apps! The last time a played a game in the office was when he caught me with Yahoo!'s Bookworm last October 31, 2008 at 5:05 in the afternoon on a freakin' Friday - and it was even past office hours! He said it was a ground for suspension, as per the Acceptable Use Policy of the University. Although when I asked him a few hours earlier why he was not dismissing us, since all other UP offices have declared a half-day for the November 1 holiday, he said "Hindi naman tayo UP eh." ("We're not part of UP.") Talk about major inconsistency. Like me and my friend used to say, "Oh well..." I believe I deserve an apology; this is the second time he accused me of playing games. I know he's unfair most of the time, but if he spends any more of that time on me, he'll be sorry. If I quit this job, it's not going to be my loss. I bet his moustache on that. Muhahaha!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Let Bygones Be Bygones

wal·low indulge oneself immoderately <wallowing in self-pity>
Sometimes I just tell myself, "Stop." But my being an Ayn Rand fan doesn't really weigh much because I still end up saying, "I can't help it." I know, I know, I should have nothing to complain about; I have a mom who's a great homemaker, a huge but really cute dog for a best friend, and an easy yet rewarding-enough job. But I am sad.

Maybe I was born to dwell in misery. Maybe I simply have a tendency to be depressive and obsessive. Maybe I am contented to be an always-almost (read: frustrated) person. Maybe putting myself in Despair mode makes me feel safer. But what I am sure of right now is that I cannot be like this forever. I cannot dwell in the negative. I cannot afford to. *sigh*

Today, I say goodbye to the things that hurt me in the past. I know they will haunt me. Guess what I will do: give them the finger. LOLz